Ainsley is a bit of a quandary. I can't say that she has not transitioned well. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. From what we can tell, she is assimilating nicely into her new environment. By all outward appearances you would think that everything was perfect. However, it is understanding her view of the world that has left us rolling over the last few days. Kid's have the greatest perspective.
Ainsley, do you like this school or your old one better?
I like my new school much better. They have better snacks.Ainsley, what was the best part of your day?
I didn't even get in trouble.Ainsley, do you like your new friends?
I don't have any. Well, there is this one boy who is my best friend but I don't know his name?What is your favorite part of school?
Jeremy goes there and I get to see Zachary.(Zachary is the love of her life from her old school. Zachary is still going to the other school but he comes with his brother everyday to drop him off.)
Ainsley, what did you learn today?
Yes, I still don't know that boys name.I am beginning to see a theme here - boys. I told you this one was going to be a challenge.
Lynley has really enjoyed this new slide show software and has now developed yet another masterpiece of the first day of school. I don't know how long her picture infatuation will last but I will be glad to share as long as she keeps making them.
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Have a great weekend.
I will be chasing purpose.
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