Monday, August 23, 2010

Ainsley - the Enigma

Well, the world still seems to be spinning off on some altered dimension. Ainsley came home with another blue sticker on Friday. That is 2 blue stickers in a week in which she only had 3 days to earn stickers. I don't want to brag or anything but that is borderline exceptional and unmatched in her classroom.

Ironically, at home this weekend she smacked Graham no less than 5 times and did about the same to to Sydney. I caught her stealing change out of my desk twice and candy 3 times out of the kitchen cabinet. She screamed most of the way to Lowes and swore she hated me because I took away the iPhone, my iPhone, she was playing on to make a call.

I just don't get it.

She also got mad at me at Walmart because I tried to stick her in a dog house that was up on the very top of the dog food isle. She threw a fit and demanded that I was abusing her. None the less, Graham happily let me lift him up into the dog house. He was perfect. He waited quietly. Later ,when his mother came by, he came pouncing to the entrance and began barking at her. It scared her to death, along with a few customers who could not stop laughing.

There is nothing like the surprise bark attack from the dog houses on the top shelf at Walmart.

Yes, this is probably the reason why Lynley swears she has 4 kids.

None the less, Ainsley spent the rest of the time pouting. She swore I did not love her because I would not put her in the dog house to scare Mommy.

You just can't win.

Regardless, other than a few guests in town, some trips to every pet store in North Texas (Sydney purchased a Guinea Pig and habitat with her own money), replacing the dishwasher, and hanging some new drapes in the living room and playroom. It was a pretty normal average weekend for the Dungans.

I certainly can't complain.

But now, it is back to more serious purpose.


Anonymous said...

Hey if she is going to act up somewhere better with you all than at school!!!

Quinoa Products said...

This wass a lovely blog post